Wednesday, November 19, 2014


I am looking forward to doing athletics tomorrow. I feel nervous and sort of scared. My favorite part is high jump because my legs have got longer.


  1. Hi Niall
    How do you go in athletics? Who was in Room 7's relay team? How did they go?
    From Mrs Natusch

  2. Hi Niall
    How did you go on athletics day? Did you do well in the running events?
    From Mrs Natusch

    1. To Mrs Natusch
      Thanks for the comment i did do well in athletics.I got into inter schools for high jump and 200m and 60m.Yes i did do well in the running events. On Wednesday yesterday we went to inter schools i got 5th in high jump and for 60m i got 1st and for final of 60m i got 4th and for 200m i got 2nd in the first round and for the final i got 5th.
      From Niall
